Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Constitutional Abrogation

I have decided to return to blogging more frequently. I think I may have gone on hiatus because I was sick and tired of what I was reading in the news, and, more likely, the news itself. I continue to believe that there is something just fundamentally off kilter in this country - and for the most part this notion is not being captured by the political punditry. In the past, I have mentioned my admiration for Charles Krauthammer and Andrew McCarthy, and I still find myself drawn to their critiques. But as brilliant as they are, even they do not address this nexus between culture and politics which defines 2015 America (and the world, for that matter) for me. I want get back to writing about that.

Today, I'd like to address Iran, a topic which confuses and plagues me. We all know that an agreement is about to be signed which will insure that the mullahs will have the (now) legitimate authority to continue developing a nuclear capability. There are two things about that with which I cannot come to grips. First, it has been the policy of this country since evidence of a secretive nuclear program was uncovered to oppose it completely. Democrat and Republican presidents (including Obama) and Congresses have stated that under no circumstances would Iran be able to develop this capability without significant penalties being imposed on the country. Even the United Nations, whose presence has really lost any legitimacy for me, has imposed sanctions and passed resolutions, effectively classifying the country as a rogue nation. But none of that seems to matter anymore. Those statements, policies and resolutions have suddenly been rendered moot because Obama and Kerry have deemed the conclusion of an agreement - literally ANY agreement - outweighs the potential dangers that a nuclear Iran presents.

What is even more enraging is the abrogation of constitutional oversight by the Congress. Even in a period where both Houses are controlled by Republicans, The Senate, which has a constitutional requirement to affirm agreements made by the Executive between the US and other nations, has bought into the ridiculous claim made by the administration and Democrats that this proposed, historic arrangement between Iran and the US and its negotiating partners (it's imconceivable to use the word "allies" since it includes Russia and China) is an agreement not a treaty, and, therefore, a consent by the Senate is not required. So, instead of insisting on its lawful prerogative, the Senate has created an artifice that does not exist in the Constitution whereby it will review this "agreement" and vote on its approval. If the Senate votes it down (which is likely only so those Democrats and Republicans that court the Jewish vote can claim they "supported Israel"), the President will veto the vote and then the Senate will have to muster a 2/3 vote to override the veto (which will then not happen because Democrats will not vote to override and train-wreck Obama's legacy).

This is nothing short of a constitutional sham regardless of how either party or individual member attempts to characterize it. And what approaches the level of definitional chutzpah (beyond the classic child who murders his parents and then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he's an orphan), is the blind obedience of Jewish members of Congress to the Obama dogma, none worse than Jan Schakowsky who represents one of the most liberal Jewish districts in the suburbs of Chicago. Without the benefit of consulting polls, my guess would be that her constituents would agree with her, so I guess there's some twisted rationale in the fact that she's actually representing the will of her constituents.

It will be fascinating to watch this all play out. Obama's attempts to mollify our Sunni Arab allies by inviting them to be entertained at Camp David seems to have been met with negative RSVP's. Our Secretary of State, who distinguished himself forever by referring to his fellow servicemen in Vietnam in traitorous terms, visited Putin in Sochi, hoping to come away with something - anything - that could be spun positively. And, interestingly, over the last few weeks the Israelis have been as quiet as a Hillary Clinton press conference; perhaps because Bibi is embroiled in the domestic politics of cobbling together a ruling coalition, but perhaps for other reasons as well.

As we near the self imposed June 30 deadline for the conclusion of an agreement with Iran, things are going to get very interesting.